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Who We Are

Proven Leader in Chemical Management

Founded in 1989, The Chemico Group has become the largest minority-owned, veteran-owned company in the nation providing chemical management services, distribution, and specialty product manufacturing. The company delivers integrated, turnkey solutions for customers on a global scale and has helped customers save millions of dollars by focusing on the total cost. The Group is comprised of two divisions that address different elements of the chemical lifecycle — Chemico LLC (chemical management) and Chemico Systems (chemical products and distribution).

Laboratory testing

Our Mission

Be a world-class organization that supplies superior goods and services, adds value to our customers’ supply chain, adds meaningful purpose to the lives of our employees, creates a positive impact in our communities, and remains a leader in the chemical industry.


Robust corporate structure to support customers throughout North America, with 400+ employees including engineers, logisticians, supply chain managers, chemical experts, and technicians

The Chemico Group

Corporate-wide environmental, safety, and health is a program committed to zero accidents

  • Chemico Management Information System
  • Quality Assurance System
  • The extensive network of chemical supply partners and logistics support
  • ISO 9001 Quality Management Program
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management Program
  • Consistent ability to reduce our customer’s operational and chemical lifecycle costs

Supplier Diversity

Diversity and inclusion are cornerstones of the Group’s business. As part of our sustainability platform, Chemico believes in driving diversity into the marketplace, into our workforce, and supply chain, in order to help find the best and most sustainable solutions.

Advocacy Mentorship

Advocacy and Mentorship

As a Veteran and Minority-owned business enterprise, Chemico has taken on the role of advocate and mentor with respect to supporting diversity in the business community.

Boards and Councils
Boards and Councils

We sit on the supply chain board and represent the diverse supplier community for fortune 500 companies as well as providing continued leadership in the Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council.

Supply Chain and Spend

Supply Chain and Spend

Chemico Group has spent more than $35 million with minority business enterprises (MBEs) since 2014 – an average of over 6 percent annually. We work with our customers in meeting Supply Chain Responsibility Goals.

Hiring Team


The company employs more than 300 persons of color, including women. Hundreds of hours each year are dedicated to mentoring African American men and women.