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Product Overview
Chemico 6001 is a Water Based Heavy Duty, Paint & Industrial Cleaner. It has the power for grease & oil but also replaces the use of solvents to clean paint shops. Also effective in cleaning paint booths-inside and out, paint ovens inside for topcoat, prime & clear coat. 6001 cleans & brightens stainless steel surfaces, cleans all types of grease & oil on floors throughout plants, strips wax off floors, acts as a heavy-duty degreaser and cleaner. 6001 rinses off surfaces more effectively and does not leave alkaline residues.
- Clean Room Floors
- Paint Booth Interiors/Exteriors
- Booth Windows
- Paint Equipment & Ovens
- Concrete Floors
- Machinery
- In Parts Washers
- Industrial Equipment
- On Stainless Steel
- Paint Spray Zones
- Mopping up Ecoat
- Mopping up GreaseÂ